Below are some valuable resources for EFL and ESL teachers. With these resources, you can find great ways to communicate more effectively, explore lessons, and be a great EFL teacher.
An awesome resource to use for simple translations, Google Translate can help your students see how its done and better understand translations between two or more languages.
It's the largest and most trusted free online dictionary for learners of British and American English with definitions, pictures, example sentences, synonyms, etc.
Here you can find 80 000+ English ESL worksheets, English ESL activities, and video lessons for distance learning, home learning, and printables for physical classrooms.
Educaplay is an online tool that lets you create many online educational multimedia activities. The site is free to use and eliminates the need for using different software programs to do different things.
Quizizz Here you can find and create free gamified quizzes and interactive lessons to engage any learner.
GoConqr (formerly ExamTime) is a great free web app that allows you to easily create, save, share, and embed mind maps, quizzes, flashcards, and notes.
Use YouTube to improve your English pronunciation. With more than 100M tracks, YouGlish gives you fast, unbiased answers about how English is spoken by real people and in context. Learningapps is a versatile tool for learners, teachers, and teacher trainers who want to use or create a variety of different activities to practice the full range of language systems (grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation) and language skills (reading, listening, speaking, and writing).
It's important for a teacher to discuss the benefit of blogging with their Links to resources, games, and fun ways to learn English, here I share my blog with you. Thanks.
He got his degree in Applied Linguistics to teach languages at "San Simon" University in 2011. He has worked in the laboratory of the linguistics department at "San Simon" University, gaining experience with young learners, adults, EAL students, and exam preparation classes.
Having spent 8 years in the United States working in summer camps and learning the American culture, Richard is currently teaching English at some English Centers and is getting a Master in High Education at UPEA University.
Finally, He started blogging as a way to reflect on his teaching and learning experiences.