08 B-review: Count and noncount nouns, some and any, would like, How much...How many...
-Hi! Here is the eighth video of a new series that will be published as a review of English Grammar according to our English course. Level. BASIC III
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There are countable nouns.
These can be singular or plural.
a book two books an egg six eggs
There are uncountable nouns.
bread rice
Some nouns are both.
We'd like three ice-creams please. (count)
Do you like ice-cream? (uncount)
We use some in positive sentences
with uncount nouns and plural nouns.
We use some in questions
when we ask for things and offer things.
We use any in questions and negative sentences
with uncount nouns and plural nouns.
Would is the same in all persons.
We use would like in offers and requests.
I 'd like the spaghetti bolognese.
I'd like a steak, please.
Would you like a sandwich? Yes, please.
Would you like some wine? No, thank you.
We use How much...? with uncount nouns.
How much rice is there?
There isn't much rice.
We use How many...? with plural count nouns.
How many apples are there?
There aren't many apples.
How much orange juice would you like?
Not much.
How many people were at the party?
There weren't many.