


 06 B Review Simple Past, Regular Spelling Rule, Time Expressions

-Hi! Here is the fifth video of a new series that will be published as a review of English Grammar according to our English course. Level. BASIC II -------------------------------------- * -------------------------------------- You can go to my blog or/and fan page for more free lessons and resources: ✍ Join our group to practice your English: 👬👭👫🧑‍🤝‍🧑 ---------------------------------------*--------------------------------------

Spelling of regular verbs 1 The normal rule is to add -ed. work worked start started 2 If the verb ends in -e, add -d. live lived love loved decide decided 3 If the verb has only one syllable and one vowel and one consonant, double the consonant and add -ed. stop stopped plan planned 4 Verbs that end in a consonant + -y, change to -ied. study studied carry carried

---------------------------------------*-------------------------------------- The Past Simple expresses a past action that is finished. I lived in Rome when I was six. She started school when she was five. The form of the Past Simple is the same in all persons. Positive Examples She moved to Chicago in 1984. You worked hard. I arrived late for the lesson. They played football all afternoon. Negative We use didn't + infinitive (without to) in all persons. (Did not = didn’t) Examples I didn't enjoy school. He didn't study history. They didn't earn much money. Wh- Question We use did + subject + infinitive (without to) in all persons. Examples Where did he work ? Where did they meet ? When did you start your new job? Why did I leave ? Yes/No questions Short answers No, I didn't. No, we didn't. Yes, she did. No, they didn't. Examples Did you go to school in Rome? No, I didn't. Did she go to university? Yes, she did. Did they earn much money? No, they didn't.

---------------------------------------*-------------------------------------- To be is irregular and has two forms in the past. be was/were Other irregular verbs have only one form in the past. go went can could Examples buy bought come came do did eat ate give gave leave left
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02 GRAMMAR: Articles A AN