1. Use of the Past Progressive
1.1. actions were in progress at a special time in the past
Peter was reading a book yesterday evening.
1.2. two actions were happening at the same time (the actions do not influence each other)
Anne was writing a letter while Steve was reading the New York Times.
1.3. together with Simple Past
While we were sitting at the breakfast table, the telephone rang.
1.4. repeated actions irritating the speaker (with always, constantly, forever)
Andrew was always coming late.
2. Signal words
3. Form
to be (was, were) + infinitive + -ing
4. Examples
4.1. Affirmative sentences in the Past Progressive
Long forms
I was playing football.
You were playing football.
He was playing football.
4.2. Negative sentences in the Past Progressive
Long forms
I was not playing football.
You were not playing football.
He was not playing football.
Contracted forms
I wasn't playing football.
You weren't playing football.
He wasn't playing football.
4.3. Questions in the Past Progressive
Long forms
Was I playing football? not possible
Were you playing football?
Was he playing football?
He got his degree in Applied Linguistics to teach languages at "San Simon" University in 2011. He has worked in the laboratory of the linguistics department at "San Simon" University, gaining experience with young learners, adults, EAL students, and exam preparation classes.
Having spent 8 years in the United States working in summer camps and learning the American culture, Richard is currently teaching English at some English Centers and is getting a Master in High Education at UPEA University.
Finally, He started blogging as a way to reflect on his teaching and learning experiences.